
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fashion Life: Long-term Careers in Fashion

We are familiar with the phrase "struggling artist," attributed to an artist on their grind. Art is a universal language that is also subjective. That artist has to make their audience see their vision without compromise. Though, these days the gray area of artistry has been compromised a lot: money is the motive.
Personally, I think a great idea is just as wealthy as the money it can and will make. Also, only like 10% of business is product development.
Learning business and creating a system is vital, for its longevity. These are things I’m always sharing with young, inspiring designers. Once you get the hang of it, the best is yet to come! ;D

Yuki Iwashiro
Photo:Maxime Poiblanc

BoF {Business of Fashion} interviewed Yuki Iwashiro {Creative Director of Baron & Baron}.
Yuki says: “don’t chase a paycheck. Instead, learn from the people and companies that you admire most.”
She is correct and that's exactly what a good book and school teaches students.
Check out Yuki Iwashiro's interview with BoF HERE...good stuff!

Business of Fashion

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